Questions have been divided into topic areas.
At SafeSwimming, we love feedback! If you have a question that is not addressed below; Please contact us via email on and we'll update this information.
What will happen at the inspection?
Our accredited certifier will carry out a thorough inspection of your swimming pool or spa and the surrounding areas. This will determine if the area's meet government standards.
How long will the inspection take?
The inspection will take approximately 30 to 60 minutes
Do I need to be home for the inspection?
No. As long as our certifier has safe access to the pool or spa area, you do not need to be present.
What happens if my pool or spa is compliant?
If your pool or spa is deemed compliant; You will be issued via email, with a certificate of compliance, after your inspection. We can arrange to post your certificate if needed.
What happens if my pool or spa is non-compliant?
Our friendly certifier is also a licensed swimming pool builder and therefore, will be able to rectify minor issues on the day of inspection with your approval, at no additional cost. If the issues seem a little more tricky; You will receive a certificate of non-compliance plus a written report via email, after your inspection. The report will include photographs and explanations of specific areas of non-compliance that need addressing. Once these issues have been rectified, you will be issued with a certificate of compliance.
Can I do the non-compliant repairs myself?
Absolutely! You are covered by our flat rate certification process! This means that you don't get continuously charged if we do need to return for a re-inspection.